Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ante Diem IX Kalendas Februarias

Modern Date : January 24th Market Day

Ante Diem IX Kalendas Februarias
Ninth Day to the Kalends of February

This is one of the dies comitiales when committees of citizens could vote on political or criminal matters.

Caligula was assassinated on the Palatine, during the last day of the Palatine Games, in Rome in 41 AD. His wife and daughter were also murdered. Claudius was proclaimed emperor the same day. Caligula was murdered by Cassius Charea, captain of the guards, apparently because of one too many frivolous slights, rather than any politics. Cassius Charea was one of the most reknowned Roman officers, have led the eighty surviving soldiers back from the massacre of the three legions in the Teutorberger forest in Germany. He was executed under Roman military law.

The emperor Hadrian was born Publius Aelius Hadrianus at Rome this day in 76 AD.

Columella says of this day, "There are forebodings of a storm from the setting of the constellation of the Whale: sometimes the storm actually occurs."

This month is sacred to Janus, the god of Beginnings.

Festival of Sementivae
The Romans celebrate on this day the festival of Sementivae, so called because it honors the feminine nurturing power that receives the seed and protects it until its latent life force is ready to sprout. This is one of the mid-winter festivals that begin early now, culminating in the Imbolc, Candlemas, Setsubun, St. Brigid's day and other festivals of early February.

In the Egyptian calendar, this day is sacred to the primordial creator Amun, called "the Hidden One" because his power is in operation even before it manifests in the Sun and the visible world. Facing him at the right of the image shown here is the figure representing Aquarius in the Egyptian zodiac, pouring a double stream of sacred water to bless the realm. Amun's power to bring latent forces into manifestation survives in Christian traditions as the word Amen ("Let it be") that ends the prayer, and activates it.

Also in the ancient Egyptian solar calendar, this is a major four-day festival honoring Thoth, the lunar Neter of wisdom and learning. The rites begin with a celebration of Thoth's arrival in the physical realm; honor his gifts of mathematics, geometry, literature and magic; and culminate in the ceremony of gratitude for the most profound of all Thoth's secrets: the khu, or light body, which the adept generates through continued spiritual practice. (Month of Pamenot, days 10 - 13).

Cornish Tinner's and Seafarer's Day
The Cornish Tinner's and Seafarer's Day is an old Labor Day celebrating a new season of sailing and mining.


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